Release Notes

The notes below indicate what has changed with each release of our platform.

Next release

  • Test scripts can be now be run and healed in your own test environment, using our downloadable Selenium Interceptor packages for Javascript, Java, and Python. See Using our Selenium Interceptor externally for details.
  • CSS selectors are now supported, enabling heal and suggest processing of Selenium’s findElement(By.CSS_SELECTOR), findElement(By.CLASS_NAME), findElement(By.NAME), and findElement(By.ID).
  • Initial support for Appium selector healing.


  • Generic archive files (tarballs, zip files, etc.) can now be uploaded as a test dependency. These will be unpacked in the test run directory to make their contents available for your test scripts.
  • Performance improvements for complex websites.


  • Typescript is now supported. Typescript tests must be in the form of valid NPM packages.
  • Direct uploads of test scripts or packages are now supported.


  • We now support adding dependencies for test scripts. This is enabled for Javascript and Python test scripts for the moment. Java support will come later.
  • Tests can now be run using Python and Javascript packages. For Python, we accept packages in the following formats: .whl, .tar.gz, .zip. For Javascript, we accept NPM packages in the following formats: .tar.gz, .tgz.


  • Current release only supports xpath locator healing, CSS and more will be supported in a later release.
  • Only single files are supported for Python and Javascript, more will be supported in the near future.
  • Files need to be uploaded or updated with Github URL and token, we are adding more enterprise configuration options in the near future.